Catalyst Integration Guide

Catalyst Integration Guide

Catalyst Integration

Setting up your connection

You will need to provide us with your IP address and you will need to open your port and forward it to your Catalyst server (Catalyst can help you with this).

If you change your internet service provider/router at any time following initial setup, this is likely to affect your connection.  Please make sure you contact us as soon as you know your new IP address.  

Using the integration

When first signed in, go to:

Systems > Reports & Settings > Maintenance Options > Platinum O and Catalyst FindIt > Platinum O+ Site Maintenance 

From here, you can design how the product pages/sections or categories will be arranged on your website and what stock items will be available in each category.

Adding Pages/Sections to the website feed

Adding Sections

On the left-hand side, you should see the pages. Click “Add” to add a page/section and give the page a title, “Accessories” for example. 

You can then add pages/sections under this using the same method or move them about until you have the desired structure. Pages can be deleted by highlighting the page and then clicking “Remove”.

You can add images/text etc. but this is not needed.

Once you have your structure, you can then add items to the pages.

Adding Items

Click the page/section you want to add items to, then click the “Items” tab. Here you can search for items by stock code, description, supplier or by groups/attributes.

Any matching items will be shown on the left-hand side. To add the items, you can either select one and click the “>” button or click “>>” to add them all, so they appear on the right-hand side.

Model/Variant Grouping

One thing that may help the end user is to combine helmets of the same make and model as a page, then assign the products to that, as can be seen from the example below. Currently, all the Caberg flip fronts are on page 33, you could add the models below this.

Adding Stock Attributes

Adding Options

Stock Attributes can be any three character code, with a thirty character description.

Many items such as clothing/helmets will need to sizes adding, this can be done in a number of ways but the easy method is using the attributes.

Systems > Stock Control > Maintenance Options > Add or Edit Stock Attributes


As Catalyst does not send a brand/manufacturer in the XML, we suggest using the attributes to add a brand category to the attribute. This will help users on the website filter by a specific brand.


<attribute code="CAB" category="Brand">Caberg</attribute>

<attribute code="SIM" category="Brand">Simpson</attribute>

<attribute code="AGV" category="Brand">AGV</attribute>

<attribute code="ARA" category="Brand"> Arai</attribute>

<attribute code="PTS" category="Composite Category">Parts</attribute>

<attribute code="+PO" category="Platinum O ecommerce">Upload to Platinum O</attribute>

<attribute code="-PO" category="Platinum O ecommerce">Do not upload to Platinum O</attribute>

<attribute code="PPI" category="Pricing Issue">Purchase Price Increase</attribute>

<attribute code="SLP" category="Pricing Issue">Sold At Low Profit</attribute>


Here’s how to add attributes and change the category of that attribute.

Sizes and Colours

When the size and colours in the description are not consistent, as can be seen below, the attributes function can be used to solve this. The sizes and colours can be added to the drop-down as the attribute, you can then assign these to the individual product and can ignore the complete description. 


<attribute code="SML" category="Size">Small</attribute>

<attribute code="MED" category="Size">Medium</attribute>

<attribute code="LRG" category="Size">Large</attribute>

<attribute code="XLG" category="Size"> Extra Large</attribute>

<attribute code="RED" category="Colour"> Red</attribute>

<attribute code="MWH" category="Colour"> Metallic White</attribute>

<attribute code="BLK" category="Colour"> Black</attribute>

Other Features

Other features such as materials, can be added as attributes as long as the categories are unique, these will automatically appear on your shop front.

To add the featured flag to a product, add an attribute with a category of featured.

<attribute code="FEA" category="featured"> Featured</attribute>